Collaborative Leadership Profile
The Collaborative Leadership Profile is an individual self-assessment modelled on the collaborative principles underpinning ISO 44001 (previously BS 11000).
It is intended to establish an individual’s propensity for engaging in collaborative behaviour, as displayed on a 2×2 Matrix with axes of Attitude and Ability.
- Web-based managed service.
- Automated participant invitations, reminders and progress tracking.
- Optional anonymity control.
- Capture of parameter scoring and related issues.
- Reports updated in real-time.
Additional options:
- In-depth gap analysis between organisations, departments, functional teams, etc.
- Capture suggested improvement actions.
- Suggested training paths (Improvement Report).
- Export comments and suggested improvement actions to action management tool.
- Categorise relationships for category-based reporting.
- Categorise participants under ‘roles’. for role-based reporting.
How it works:
- Individual self-assessments of multiple individuals across an organisation (or department, project, team, etc).
- Aim to repeat every 12 months.